Start your own webserver for free
An Introduction
Inwards this tutorial you will gain knowledge of how to step up your own wine waiter. This wine waiter will be comprised of Apache 1.3.5, PHP 4.2.0, and MySQL 3.23.49. This tutorial will forward the basic setup of a wine waiter on your own CPU. This measures the ejection of hassles of dealing with the company to facilitate is running a remote snarl wine waiter. It will be undemanding to alter. You can add a few craze you be after to it, be it CGI/Perl, Zope, Roxen, and that, all by your self. You will partake of indefinite CD-ROM outer space, well next to slightest as enormous as your intense drive is =) Now to facilitate you know the advantages, it is clock to facilitate I tell you what did you say? I used, and what did you say? You will need.
What I used
* Windows 2000 - NOTE to facilitate if you are using 2k you WILL NEED Administrative Privileges. If you don't afterward cause them someway =) If you are on 95, 98, NT, XP, ME, I
* Apache 1.3.6 - I tried to practice 2.0 but I can not cause it job. I moreover feel to facilitate 1.3.6 is tried and loyal, so why tight spot with vastness.
* Mysql 3.23.49 - The newest version of MySQL while I inflexible up my wine waiter. MySQL moreover the is the paramount PHP supported Database, and well love PHP don't we.
* PHP 4.2.1 - The up-to-the-minute and supreme PHP circulate. -nt
What you will need
* Apache 2 - Link: H**p://www.Apache.Org/dist/
* Mysql 3.23.49 - Link: H**p://www.Mysql.Com/downloads/mysql-3.23.Html
* PHP 4.2.0 - Link: H**p://www.Php.Net/downloads.Php
* Windows - This tutorial is ONLY in print used for new to the job versions of Windows.
Once you partake of downloaded all the programs you are immediate to go on.
1. Installing Apache
Installing Apache
The to begin with step is to download Apache used for Windows. Before you install it get to absolutely to facilitate a few other wine waiter software is detached. Remove it all via the control panel.On
Once you partake of clicked on the executable, a screen must com up to facilitate looks like this. Go ahead of time and click on then
User posted image
Of direction you arrangement to abide be the license agreement, so click on I believe.... And click on then.
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You really don't need to read this, but if you be after you can. Read it if you be after feel informed. When you are immediate click on then.
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Here is wherever the authentic setup of Apache begins. For Network Domain set in localhost as used for Server Name You be after these both to be localhost since the wine waiter is running locally, on your CPU. It doesn't be significant what did you say? Is in email prevent, right set in yours. No solitary will rejection it since it's right you.
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For the sake of this tutorial it is better to right leave it as it is since, afterward in the tutorial I will display you how to start the wine waiter with solitary click of the mouse, and used for the sake of slacken off, it will be easier used for you to hunt along. You can variation it if you be after, but you will partake of to realize wherever to alternate it. For me the root drive is E: But used for you will probably be C:
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Once you partake of all the jazz inflexible up, it is clock to install the wine waiter. If you are on w2k or XP be absolutely to facilitate you partake of Administrative permissions or you will cause an slip-up re semi way through the install saving cannot access msvrt32.Dll or something. If you cause to facilitate slip-up run it again while you partake of admin privileges. Once you are immediate click on install.
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If all went well you right visit a screen akin to this. Now it is clock to test the install of apache. Click on Start > Program Files > Apache HTTP Server and look used for start Start Apache in Console. Click it. Once it says Apache XXXXX running, press Windows Key + R and type -http://localhost/. If the install installation you must visit a summon adage to facilitate it installation. If all is inflexible and through, go on to the then step.
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2. Installing PHP
Once you partake of clicked on the executable, a screen must be as tall as up to facilitate looks like this. Go ahead of time and click on then.
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Of direction you arrangement to abide be the license agreement, so click on I believe.... And click on then.
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For this in a row, we will be after the undemanding standard install. Chances are you if you are performance this tutorial, you will probably not even be after to squeal re vanguard =)
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This is the mail setup, right enter localhost, and me@localhost.Com. These are not key, since you, the admin, are the individual person to facilitate will practice the wine waiter, and you will be the solitary usage errors.
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We are on offer to be after this install to job is Apache, so click on Apache, and move on.
User posted image
Once you partake of all the jazz inflexible up, it is clock to install the wine waiter. If you are on w2k or XP be absolutely to facilitate you partake of Administrative consent or you will cause an slip-up re semi way through the install saving cannot access msvrt32.Dll or something. If you cause to facilitate slip-up run it again while you partake of admin privileges. Once you are immediate click on install.
User posted image
After the install is through you must cause something to facilitate says you will partake of to manually configure apache to practice php. Assuming you partake of a working Apache wine waiter installed, get to absolutely to facilitate it is not running. Navigate to C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache\conf\ not closed the httpd.Conf sand. Note to facilitate you can moreover cause to the http.Conf from the start menu. Start > Program File > Apache HTTP Server > Configure Apache Server > Edit the Apache httpd.Conf Configuration File and the window will not closed up in notepad. Now strike Ctrl + End if you visit something like what did you say? Follows, you can skip this step. If you sort out not visit to facilitate code, clone it. This code will individual job if you used the default install folder while you installed php. If you did, clone to facilitate code and paste it into the bring to an end of the sand. Select the code to respectable, and strike crtl + c , afterward get into the httpd.Conf sand and strike ctrl + opposed to and save the sand.
ScriptAlias /php/ "c:/php/"
AddType application/x-httpd-php .Php .Phtml
Action application/x-httpd-php "/php/php.Exe"
Now to facilitate we partake of php installed, it is clock to test it. Open up notepad and type the code to the respectable. Save it as phpinfo.Php. Remember to inflexible it as all documents in the let go down menu, or the sand will be a text sand. Save in the Directory: C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache\htdocs. Htdocs is the directory wherever all the documents get. You can create endless dir's and browse them. For Example E:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache\htdocs\mydir\myfile.Php can be accessed as http://localhost/mydir/myfile.Php. Once you partake of to facilitate sand saved. You will need to start the Server. Click: Start > Program File > Apache HTTP Server >; and look used for something like Start Apache in Console. After you partake of found it, launch it. You must cause a window adage to facilitate Apache is running. Now get to Start > Run > and type in -http://localhost/phpinfo.Php. If you don't visit something, php is not installed precisely. If php is installed precisely, you will visit a hardly any chubby tables, displaying php's configuration. Now Your are 1/2 through!
3. Installing MySQL
Once you partake of clicked on the executable, a screen must com up to facilitate looks like this. Go ahead of time and click on then.
User posted image
Of direction you arrangement to abide be the license agreement, so click on I believe.... And click on then.
Just like previous to you must leave the default dir and no-one else, so you will be able to hunt along with me while I display you how to start and hinder all the aspects of the wine waiter.
Stay with the representative installation. Just like previous to, if you don't partake of admin privileges, the install will be faulty. After you click then, the install will get underway. After the install has finished, move on to the then step.
Now you partake of to inflexible up the root checking account. The root checking account is the absolute admin of the organization, the highest workable. Click on Start > Run and type cmd to not closed up the thorough knowledge timely. You are on offer to partake of to navigate to wherever MySQL is installed. Type C: > Enter > cd mysql > Enter > cd bin > Enter. Now you partake of to tell setup the root settings. Type mysqladmin -uroot password InsertYourPasswordHere afterward strike enter.
To visit an image of the screen, -h**p://www.Webmasterstop.Com/tutorials/images/doscreen1.Gif
What is the thing of having a folder if you can't without difficulty administer it! That is wherever phpMyAdmin comes into games. PhpMyAdmin is a boundless portion of software in print in php to facilitate makes the administration of a mysql or many other types of databases undemanding. You will be after to download (h**p://prdownloads.Sourceforge.Net/phpmyadmin/phpMyAdmin-2.2.6-php.Zip?Downloadrelease_id=85832)the up-to-the-minute version. Save it in the htdocs folder. Once it is through downloading it, respectable click on it and elite Extract > To Here. When it is through you must bring to an end up with a directory in the htdocs folder called phpMyAdmin-2.2.6 To get to it easier to access, rename it to phpMyAdmin. After you partake of renamed it, click on it and look used for a sand called config.Inc Open it. This is wherever you inflexible the configuration of phpMyAdmin. When you not closed it up, it must look akin to the image to your wall. On yours at hand must be a hardly any things missing. The $cfgPmaAbsoulteUrl and $cfgservers[$i]['password']. You will need to fill persons in flanked by the speech marks. Used for the $cfgPmaAbsoulteUrl enter -http://localhost/phpMyAdmin/ if you followed my information to the dispatch. If you did not rename it or extracted to a not the same directory, set to facilitate in at hand. For the $cfgservers[$i]['password'] enter the password you entered while you were setting MySQL in the inflexible more than. You can refer to the image used for help. After you partake of set the respectable things in save the sand.
To visit an image of the screen, -h**p://www.Webmasterstop.Com/tutorials/images/phpmyadminscreen1.Gif
Now we be after to test the install of mysql, php, phpmyadmin, and apache all next to one time. Start apache in console like we did previous to. Now, you are on offer to need to start mysql. For myself I made a sand to facilitate would start mysql used for me. Open notepad and type: Start c:\mysql\bin\mysqld-nt.Exe --standalone and save to facilitate as Start MySQL.Bat. Once you partake of saved it, click it. A window must not closed and afterward close. Mysql is without hesitation running on your CPU. After mysql and apache are happening get to run again and type -http://localhost/phpMyAdmin/index.Php and if everything is installed precisely phpmyadmin must so up. You are almost through! Now we partake of the undemanding part =)
4. Finishing it all up
Wow! We up in arms it through the total process. Now we be after to simplify the total process of calculating the wine waiter. I made a toolbar with all the things I considered necessary. I made a new to the job folder on my desktop and called it Server Folder and set all the stuff at hand. I made a new to the job shortcut and gave it a treasure of -http://localhost/ made a shortcut to the PHP Documentation summon. Another shortcut to my php editor, which is without hesitation unavailable. The phpMyAdmin shortcut is inflexible to -http://localhost/phpMyAdmin/index.Php. I made an added shortcut htdocs. I motivated the Start Apache in Console list to facilitate was in the start menu folder and motivated it to the wine waiter folder. You can take the Start Mysql sand you made in the previous summon and move it to the new to the job folder. After you partake of set all the desired things into to facilitate folder, respectable click on a bare outer space in stat menu task except (where the list boxes lie) and elite Toolbars > New Toolbar and navigate to the folder. Voila!
Now all you partake of to sort out is click Start Apache in Console , Start Mysql, and Lauch browser biggrin.Gif