How to start our own server
An Introduction
Inside this tutorial you will gather how to step up your own member of staff serving at table. This member of staff serving at table will be comprised of Apache 1.3.5, PHP 4.2.0, and MySQL 3.23.49. This tutorial will take up the basic setup of a member of staff serving at table on your own notebook. This earnings the confiscation of hassles of dealing with the company with the intention of is running a remote mess member of staff serving at table. It will be straightforward to adjust. You can add one business you aspire to it, be it CGI/Perl, Zope, Roxen, and that, all by your self. You will be inflicted with boundless CD-ROM interval, well by smallest amount as lofty as your tricky drive is =) Now with the intention of you know the advantages, it is calculate with the intention of I tell you could you repeat that? I used, and could you repeat that? You will need.
What I used
* Windows 2000 - NOTE with the intention of if you are using 2k you WILL NEED Administrative Privileges. If you don't at that time make them in some way =) If you are on 95, 98, NT, XP, ME, I
* Apache 1.3.6 - I tried to aid 2.0 but I may possibly not make it bring about. I furthermore feel with the intention of 1.3.6 is tried and real, so why fix with enormity.
* Mysql 3.23.49 - The newest version of MySQL as I fit up my member of staff serving at table. MySQL furthermore the is the preeminent PHP supported Database, and well love PHP don't we.
* PHP 4.2.1 - The newest and utmost PHP relief. -nt
What you will need
* Apache 2 - Link: H**p://www.Apache.Org/dist/
* Mysql 3.23.49 - Link: H**p://www.Mysql.Com/downloads/mysql-3.23.Html
* PHP 4.2.0 - Link: H**p://www.Php.Net/downloads.Php
* Windows - This tutorial is ONLY on paper pro extra versions of Windows.
Once you be inflicted with downloaded all the programs you are equipped to take up again.
1. Installing Apache
Installing Apache
The initially step is to download Apache pro Windows. Before you install it get on to guaranteed with the intention of one other member of staff serving at table software is indifferent. Remove it all via the control panel.On
Once you be inflicted with clicked on the executable, a screen must com up with the intention of looks like this. Go yet to be and click on then
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Of way you preparation to abide be the license agreement, so click on I acknowledge.... And click on then.
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You really don't need to read this, but if you aspire you can. Read it if you aspire feel informed. When you are equipped click on then.
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Here is everywhere the real setup of Apache begins. For Network Domain deposit in localhost as pro Server Name You aspire these both to be localhost since the member of staff serving at table is running locally, on your notebook. It doesn't topic could you repeat that? Is in email meadow, solely deposit in yours. No lone will thumbs down it since it's solely you.
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For the sake of this tutorial it is better to solely leave it as it is since, shortly in the tutorial I will trade show you how to start the member of staff serving at table with lone click of the mouse, and pro the sake of stretch, it will be easier pro you to stay on along. You can exchange it if you aspire, but you will be inflicted with to realize everywhere to use instead it. For me the root drive is E: But pro you will probably be C:
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Once you be inflicted with all the jazz fit up, it is calculate to install the member of staff serving at table. If you are on w2k or XP be guaranteed with the intention of you be inflicted with Administrative permissions or you will make an miscalculation in this area semi way through the install saving cannot access msvrt32.Dll or something. If you make with the intention of miscalculation run it again as you be inflicted with admin privileges. Once you are equipped click on install.
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If all went well you solely think it over a screen akin to this. Now it is calculate to test the install of apache. Click on Start > Program Files > Apache HTTP Server and look pro start Start Apache in Console. Click it. Once it says Apache XXXXX running, press Windows Key + R and type -http://localhost/. If the install facility you must think it over a leaf adage with the intention of it facility. If all is fit and made, take up again to the then step.
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2. Installing PHP
Once you be inflicted with clicked on the executable, a screen must occur up with the intention of looks like this. Go yet to be and click on then.
User posted image
Of way you preparation to abide be the license agreement, so click on I acknowledge.... And click on then.
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For this in rank, we will aspire the unadorned standard install. Chances are you if you are conception this tutorial, you will probably not even aspire to have a discussion in this area well ahead =)
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This is the mail setup, solely enter localhost, and me@localhost.Com. These are not valuable, since you, the admin, are the single person with the intention of will aid the member of staff serving at table, and you will be the lone usage errors.
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We are vacant to aspire this install to bring about is Apache, so click on Apache, and move on.
User posted image
Once you be inflicted with all the jazz fit up, it is calculate to install the member of staff serving at table. If you are on w2k or XP be guaranteed with the intention of you be inflicted with Administrative consent or you will make an miscalculation in this area semi way through the install saving cannot access msvrt32.Dll or something. If you make with the intention of miscalculation run it again as you be inflicted with admin privileges. Once you are equipped click on install.
User posted image
After the install is made you must make something with the intention of says you will be inflicted with to manually configure apache to aid php. Assuming you be inflicted with a working Apache member of staff serving at table installed, get on to guaranteed with the intention of it is not running. Navigate to C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache\conf\ commence the httpd.Conf gather in a line. Note with the intention of you can furthermore make to the http.Conf from the start menu. Start > Program File > Apache HTTP Server > Configure Apache Server > Edit the Apache httpd.Conf Configuration File and the window will commence up in notepad. Now secure Ctrl + End if you think it over something like could you repeat that? Follows, you can skip this step. If you sort out not think it over with the intention of code, imitation it. This code will single bring about if you used the default install folder as you installed php. If you did, imitation with the intention of code and paste it into the aim of the gather in a line. Select the code to aptly, and secure crtl + c , at that time energy into the httpd.Conf gather in a line and secure ctrl + in opposition to and save the gather in a line.
ScriptAlias /php/ "c:/php/"
AddType application/x-httpd-php .Php .Phtml
Action application/x-httpd-php "/php/php.Exe"
Now with the intention of we be inflicted with php installed, it is calculate to test it. Open up notepad and type the code to the aptly. Save it as phpinfo.Php. Remember to fit it as all records in the decline down menu, or the gather in a line will be a text gather in a line. Save in the Directory: C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache\htdocs. Htdocs is the directory everywhere all the records energy. You can create endless dir's and browse them. For Example E:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache\htdocs\mydir\myfile.Php may possibly be accessed as http://localhost/mydir/myfile.Php. Once you be inflicted with with the intention of gather in a line saved. You will need to start the Server. Click: Start > Program File > Apache HTTP Server >; and look pro something like Start Apache in Console. After you be inflicted with found it, launch it. You must make a window adage with the intention of Apache is running. Now energy to Start > Run > and type in -http://localhost/phpinfo.Php. If you don't think it over whatever thing, php is not installed accurately. If php is installed accurately, you will think it over a hardly any generous tables, displaying php's configuration. Now Your are 1/2 made!
3. Installing MySQL
Once you be inflicted with clicked on the executable, a screen must com up with the intention of looks like this. Go yet to be and click on then.
User posted image
Of way you preparation to abide be the license agreement, so click on I acknowledge.... And click on then.
Just like previous to you must leave the default dir lonely, so you will be able to stay on along with me as I trade show you how to start and bring to a standstill all the aspects of the member of staff serving at table.
Stay with the predictable installation. Just like previous to, if you don't be inflicted with admin privileges, the install will be faulty. After you click then, the install will commence. After the install has finished, move on to the then step.
Now you be inflicted with to fit up the root tab. The root tab is the absolute admin of the logic, the highest doable. Click on Start > Run and type cmd to commence up the mandate timely. You are vacant to be inflicted with to navigate to everywhere MySQL is installed. Type C: > Enter > cd mysql > Enter > cd bin > Enter. Now you be inflicted with to tell setup the root settings. Type mysqladmin -uroot password InsertYourPasswordHere at that time secure enter.
To think it over an image of the screen, -h**p://www.Webmasterstop.Com/tutorials/images/doscreen1.Gif
What is the top of having a list if you can't straightforwardly administer it! That is everywhere phpMyAdmin comes into mess about. PhpMyAdmin is a emancipated cut of software on paper in php with the intention of makes the administration of a mysql or many other types of databases straightforward. You will aspire to download (h**p://prdownloads.Sourceforge.Net/phpmyadmin/phpMyAdmin-2.2.6-php.Zip?Downloadrelease_id=85832)the newest version. Save it in the htdocs folder. Once it is made downloading it, aptly click on it and excellent Extract > To Here. When it is made you must aim up with a directory in the htdocs folder called phpMyAdmin-2.2.6 To get on to it easier to access, rename it to phpMyAdmin. After you be inflicted with renamed it, click on it and look pro a gather in a line called config.Inc Open it. This is everywhere you fit the configuration of phpMyAdmin. When you commence it up, it must look akin to the image to your feature. On yours here must be a hardly any things missing. The $cfgPmaAbsoulteUrl and $cfgservers[$i]['password']. You will need to fill persons in linking the quotation marks. Pro the $cfgPmaAbsoulteUrl enter -http://localhost/phpMyAdmin/ if you followed my directions to the epistle. If you did not rename it or extracted to a uncommon directory, deposit with the intention of in here. For the $cfgservers[$i]['password'] enter the password you entered as you were setting MySQL in the fit higher than. You can refer to the image pro help. After you be inflicted with deposit the aptly things in save the gather in a line.
To think it over an image of the screen, -h**p://www.Webmasterstop.Com/tutorials/images/phpmyadminscreen1.Gif
Now we aspire to test the install of mysql, php, phpmyadmin, and apache all by some time ago. Start apache in console like we did previous to. Now, you are vacant to need to start mysql. For myself I made a gather in a line with the intention of would start mysql pro me. Open notepad and type: Start c:\mysql\bin\mysqld-nt.Exe --standalone and save with the intention of as Start MySQL.Bat. Once you be inflicted with saved it, click it. A window must commence and at that time close. Mysql is currently running on your notebook. After mysql and apache are ongoing energy to run again and type -http://localhost/phpMyAdmin/index.Php and if everything is installed accurately phpmyadmin must so up. You are almost made! Now we be inflicted with the straightforward part =)
4. Finishing it all up
Wow! We frenetic it through the total process. Now we aspire to simplify the total process of scheming the member of staff serving at table. I made a toolbar with all the things I looked-for. I made a extra folder on my desktop and called it Server Folder and deposit all the stuff here. I made a extra shortcut and gave it a regard of -http://localhost/ made a shortcut to the PHP Documentation leaf. Another shortcut to my php editor, which is currently unavailable. The phpMyAdmin shortcut is fit to -http://localhost/phpMyAdmin/index.Php. I made a further shortcut htdocs. I stirred the Start Apache in Console curriculum with the intention of was in the start menu folder and stirred it to the member of staff serving at table folder. You can take the Start Mysql gather in a line you made in the continue leaf and move it to the extra folder. After you be inflicted with deposit all the desired things into with the intention of folder, aptly click on a bemused interval in stat menu task slab (where the curriculum boxes lie) and excellent Toolbars > New Toolbar and navigate to the folder. Voila!
Now all you be inflicted with to sort out is click Start Apache in Console , Start Mysql, and Lauch browser biggrin.Gif
Here You Are Guys